Being uninformed is the worst situation when it comes to Taxation. We not only help clients save tax that is being paid in excess to what is actually required as per law, but also advise and guide them in paying appropriate taxes. It is necessary to know the implications that are caused by minute facts and circumstances when it comes to taxes. To know and understand this, nothing can replace the power and knowledge gained by experience.
India is a Developing Economy and a lucrative investment option for most of the Developed countries at this stage. We understand the need for Corporate to be clearly guided and informed about the Taxonomy between countries, as well as Tax Laws within India. The Tax Laws have been amended time to time, and we have been following the same. Therefore, it accelerates our understanding of the very objective of Laws, Sections and Rules framed by the Authorities. Having known the very creation and closely following such developments, it becomes easy for us to guide the clients and create real value for them.
1. Direct tax consultancy:
- Corporate Taxation Advisory Services: Advising large Companies / Corporations on their income tax matters, including also foreign taxation matters on Indian corporations.
- Tax Management Services: Attending to the matters of tax laws compliance.
- Tax Appeals: Drafting and representing tax appeals before appellate authorities like Commissioners/ Appellate Tribunal.
- Tax Planning: Advising clients on structuring tax-efficient business planning, including restructuring of business e.g. Amalgamations/ merger etc.
- Services relating to Foreign Collaboration Agreements, NRIs taxation, Double Tax
- Avoidance Agreements Reliefs etc.
- Preparation of tax returns for Individuals, Firms, NRI's, Foreign Nationals, and Companies etc.
- Tax Assistance
- Obtaining Permanent Account Number
- Tax Deduction Account Number
- Services related to TDS/ Withholding taxes
- Tax Planning - Personal and Corporate.
- Filing of e-Income tax and e-TDS returns
- STPI registration
2. Transfer Pricing:
Assisting Companies in the Transfer Pricing rules in India together with certification & filing of necessary reports. NRI & Overseas Consultation to develop strategies for tax minimization together with setting up of Offshore Companies keeping in view the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) rules & regulations of the foreign jurisdiction.